Thursday, January 24, 2013

Karmic Relationships


I strongly believe in karmic relationships

In past few years my approach towards life has changed tremendously, started moving on a spiritual path. Got to know path of my life that is healing through non medical path. Learned Reiki & Magnified Healing. I am trying to spread healing whenever possible with these learning modes.

During the journey of last few years crossed many people with whom I feel connected in karmic way and call these relationships as Karmic Relationships. with time and help of spiritual reading was able to handle many of them but somehow deep down my heart I know it will go on till my lessons are learned with whoever my karmic balance is required be it from any past life of mine or current life. In case you also going through such relationships below is some helping points.

How to handle karmic relations?
Here are few points that may be of use in handling karmic relationships:
  1. Stop judging others: understand that every person is born with his or her destiny. I do not say that you should not help a person when he is about to commit a mistake, however refrain from forcing your decisions. If possible suggest what you feel once or twice with the rationale behind your thought and then leave it up to him or her. It would be even better if you try to understand the other person’s point of view on a subject that might raise conflict between you two.
  2. Love unconditionally: Try not to attach strings to your love, love them irrespective of their shortcomings. This way you will reduce the intensity of negative feelings that might be coming to you giving fuel for prolongation of karmic relation. The wise advise not to allow selfishness to appear like love, understand that if you love someone and expect something in return then maybe you are allowing love to get diluted with selfishness.
  3. Understand no one is helpless: Writer and doctor, Dr Atul Gawande mentions an important study in his book Complications, according to the study, The number of untoward incidents were less in ICU patients with similar complications for whom prayers were performed versus ICU patients for whom prayers were not performed. My only point is if prayers can help ICU patients then all those people with whom you have past karmic relations can also be helped through prayers. Use this tool liberally to avoid any possible conflict, and you will know the magic of prayers.
  4. Do not do tit for tat: I am not asking you to put down your defenses, but if you continue inflicting pain to your karmic partners, then the pattern will repeat life after life, until you become mature enough. If by no means you are able to handle a person, the best way is to separate yourself from the person without keeping any negative feelings in your mind. Once you resolve not to give energy to negativity then sooner or later the other half will to give up negativity. Someone needs to stop this cycle, so let it be you.
How to turn a negative karmic relation into a positive one?
I think this part is most important part of this post. You might have witnessed a wide variation in distribution of harmonious relations. In simple words relationships also follow normal distribution curve, means, a minority enjoys all harmonious relations, then there are majority of us who have a mix of harmonious and strained relationships, and again there is another minority whose life is filled with inharmonious relations.
To reach a level where we have less inharmonious relations we need to resolve our karma with others and ensure we do not create new negativity in our relations.
Here again the tools are forgiveness, unconditional love and selflessness, as you practice these tools you will form loving relations with people around you, and convert negative karmic relations to positive ones for this life and lives to come.

Shruti Mehendale 24th Jan 2013

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